Welcome to The Wishlistr
We all have items we want but cannot afford. Or maybe we just can't justify the expenditure to our spouses. We take these items and put them on our wishlists. But where does this wishlist reside? I propose that you put it on TheWishlistr.com. With TheWishlistr you can point your family, friends, and other benefactors to your ranked wishlist and allow them to know exactly what to purchase for you when they are in the gifting mood.
No more accidental spoilers! Details VideoDrag this button to your bookmarks toolbar: Add to The Wishlistr
- Easily add, remove, and rank items in your wishlist
- Include up to two links to your wishlist item
- Tag gift items in del.icio.us for later importing into your wishlist
- Benefactors can mark items as bought on your wishlist
Coming Soon:
- RSS Feed of your wishlist
- Advanced options for wishlist privacy including the ability to mark a wishlist private and requiring an account with TheWishlistr or a generic password to view it, turning off the "Buy" option on a wishlist, and only allowing registered members to mark items as bought.
- Ability to embed a wishlist on another website
- And any other features requested by users